
The One Best Weight Loss Plan

Who among us doesn’t need to lose weight?  As we hit forty years of age, or thereabouts, and onward, the body’s metabolism rate generally begins to slow down.  Even people who have never struggled with excess weight begin to notice that their jeans are feeling a little too tight.  Those who have had to fight weight gain all their lives are having an even harder time losing or just maintaining their weight.

I am no expert on weight loss.  I also am not trying to promote a particular diet, or program, or new pill.

I’ve always heard that the secret to weight control consists of one simple strategy:  eat less, move more.

Eat less.  Easy to say, easy to do.  I suggest that when you eat, whatever you eat, whenever you eat, whether a meal or a snack, simply eat less of it.

Eating supper?  Take one spoonful less of everything.  Sandwich? Have a half instead of a whole.  Candy bar?  Eat half and save the rest for tomorrow.  Or share with a friend.

It is doable.  It is free.  It doesn’t require that you buy certain foods that you’ve never liked or never eaten before.

Just eat less.

The other half of that equation is to move more.  Leave that closest parking spot for someone in worse shape than you.  Park a little further away from your work place, the drug store, where ever you’re going today.  When at home, take the long way from the kitchen to the table.  Walk around the table a couple of times, into the living room, up the stairs, and then back to the table.

I know it sounds silly.  But you’re building a habit that will last a lifetime.  Eat less, move more.

You can do this.  I can do this.  I resolve to add a few more steps to my day today, and to take a few less bites.

Guest Post by ANNIE

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