How to be a Bodybuilder ? or How to start bodybuilding life ? - Super Tips
First answer my question
Q : Do you like a Bodybuilder?
Option 1 : Yes
Option 2 : NO
Option 3 : I don't Know.
Option 4 : No Comment.
what's you answer ?
If you select Option 1
Now answer the Next question
Q : What is the name of the Bodybuilder ?
Answer : ______________ .
>>>>>>Follow him or her to Motivate yourself .
Q : Why you select Bodybuilding Life ?
Answer : _____________________________________________
______________________________________________ .
I think you ask me a question. The Question is " IS IT EXAM ? " .
It's not your exam sir, It's your 1st Step to Start Bodybuilding life.
Now I will share with you some Super tips to start Bodybuilding and to be a Bodybuilder .
SUPER TIPS 1 : Select your GOAL
>>>>>> Your Goal is most important for achieving success in any Profession . So If you want to be a Bodybuilder you need to select your goal first.
What's your goal ?
---Fitness Model
--- Mr.Olympia
--- Hollywood Hero or Heroin
--- Bodybuilding Trainer
--- Professional Bodybuilder
etc .
Another Goal
--- Lose Fat
--- Gain Weight
--- Just Get in a Shape
You have to select your goal before start.
Red Next Post for SUPER TIPS 2 ON YouTube
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